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AAF welcomes NJ Governor’s decision to create American-Arab Heritage Commission
Paterson, NJ, October 20, 2008: The American Arab Forum welcomes Governor Jon Corzine’s official announcement to sign into law an Executive Order to create the NJ American-Arab Heritage Commission. The date has been set for October 24, 2008, where the Governor, joined by members of his cabinet, distinguished members of the Legislature, Congressional representatives, leaders from the community and the 25 newly appointed members of the Commission will hold a special celebration at the Passaic County Technical College.
The Governor’s signature will represent the culmination of over four years of a grassroots drive to found the Commission. Its establishment has been a primary objective of the Arab American community and we are grateful that, after more than four years of grassroots efforts, it is finally becoming a reality. The Commission will be the first in the United States dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of contributions of Arab Americans.
Aref Assaf, President of the Paterson-based think-tank, the American Arab Forum, expressed his “enthusiastic appreciation for the Governor’s gesture and the important support received from so many individuals, officials, and organizations. We recognize his pivotal appreciation of the need to be inclusive and to recognize the important role our community has and continues to play in making NJ a better place in which to live, to do business, and to raise a family. He further added that, “having overcome many hurdles, we are now poised to witness the fruits of our collective work through the recognition of our community’s rightful place in the mosaic that makes our state and indeed our nation a vibrant and productive society.”
For more information about the history of the commission, please click here.
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The Executive Order states, in part, that,” it is fitting and proper to establish a State-level commission to survey, design, encourage and promote the implementation of Arab-American cultural and educational programs in this State, with responsibility for the coordination of events that will provide awareness and honor and celebrate the culture, history, heritage and language of Arab Americans on a regular basis throughout the State.” for the complete text, please click here.
Here is the link to the official invitation sent out by the Governor. The event is by invitation only.