AAF Thanks Congressman Steve Rothman

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AAF Thanks Congressman Steve Rothman
Congressman Steve Rothman
Washington, DC
April 20, 2011
Dear Congressman Rothman:
We read with gratitude your positive statement recognizing April as the Arab Heritage Month. We especially thank you for highlighting the contributions of Arab Americans in your District and in New Jersey.
It is such symbolic but timely gestures that solidify the relationship we have with our elected officials.
The New Jersey Arab American Heritage Commission, of which I am a Commissioner, held several events to celebrate Arab culture. Congressman Pascrell issued a Proclamation in honor of the occasion.
Arab heritage, their contributions to the world and to the United States are often undermined and relegated. But we have been a positive and an integral part in making this country the great success it has been for millions of people.
In every human endeavor, Arab Americans have made a lasting positive impression. When we celebrate an ethnic community’s achievements, we recognize the ingredients that make America’s melting pot where successive groups added their unique imprint.
Again and on behalf of the American Arab Forum, we salute you and look forward to building a mutually beneficial relationship. We have disseminated the Press Release to our members and it has been picked up by Arab newswire service.
Aref Assaf, PhD
American Arab Forum
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